Sharing the abundant harvest with you……
“Beginning with the excitement of seeking out wonderful ingredients, right up to the thrill of cooking the finished dish, we want you to experience the tasteful journey embarked upon by these striking producers and crafters. Serving you flavoursome whole food as vitality to your soul. Enjoy the simple pleasure of Life. Earning your trust and keeping your trust.”

We call Belinda’s and Charlie’s free range chicken “gorgeous long legs!”. Their chickens have had a good life with 40 acres of Suffolk meadows, constant access to the outdoors, sunshine, freely roam, peck, graze, engage in their natural behaviour, and living in small groups with naturally ventilated shelter from the elements.
They have chosen a slower growing breed, reared on average for 10 weeks (70 days). This is 25% longer than standard free range chickens and 70% longer than standard indoor barn chickens. This natural maturing process (free from growth hormone injection and antibiotics) means the chickens have plenty of exercise with a varied diet, giving the meat that fuller flavour, succulent texture and crispier skin – all of which will take you back to a time when chicken tasted like chicken.
To further enhance the quality of the chicken, they are dry plucked off their feathers after slaughtering; a traditional method used to prolong the shelf life of the chicken. Not all free range chicken are given the same special dry plucking treatment!
We also carry RSPCA certified barn reared chickens for clients who prefer an alternative package.
Importantly, we can track and trace where and how all our lovely birds had fared.
Enjoy our great find!

The cow’s natural diet should be grass, hay, and grains, free from GMO and animal tainted feed and growth hormones injection to artificially fatten her. Dry aging process, a minimum of 28 to 50 days. With careful attention and patience, the butcher starts with whole sub-primal—large cuts of meat with bones and fat caps fully intact, and they age them, uncovered, in temperature – humidity – and air-speed-controlled rooms designed to allow them to age for weeks or months without rotting the meat, similar to friendly mould present in maturing cheeses. The meat developed an unparalleled flavour, aroma, and tenderness.
The breeds we buy are Aberdeen Angus, Long and Short horn and Wagyu. We catered to a variety of cuts and aging process to suit each client’s preferred packages.
Other free range meat we catered to are English and Welsh Lamb, British pork and Spanish Iberico pork (seasonal only).

Why Organic Salmon?
To be fair, organic fish are less tightly packed than their conventional equivalents. A conventional farmed salmon cage contains up to 70,000 fish. In practice, organic-fish farmers keep up to 30,000 fish in one cage. Nevertheless, the Soil Association is ‘satisfied that these densities optimise the health and wellbeing of the fish.’
Why we chose The Irish Organic Salmon Company? For the same reasons with all our other producers. The quality and firmness of the salmon is consistent, sustainability, natural feed non-GMO ingredients, in compliance with all governmental agencies. We found their uniqueness in the location and environment of the Clare Island. Such a beautiful place where the western Irish costal water combined with the Atlantic oceanic raging current, helps developed the salmon into healthier and stronger fish rich in omega 3! This lessens the dependence on antibiotics in treatment of fish lice.
We also use Scottish Salmon which is Sashimi-graded for clients who prefer an alternative package.

Oil being essential for our brain development, growth, and healthy immunity system, we might as well invest in a superb quality one that enhance the quality of our cooking and maintenance to great health! We do not use refined or hydrogenated fat in our cooking. Why we chose cold pressed extra virgin rapeseed oil – Farrington’s Mellow Yellow?
The Farrington’s family attention, passion, and commitment to many farming initiatives, LEAF – Linking Environment And Farming. They use natural farming methods to enhance the valuable eco-system; using green manure and companion crop rotations to naturally nurture the soil richly, lessen the dependence on artificial fertilizer and pesticide so that the animal, bees and insects could thrive in an eco-friendly surrounding with its wider environment.
We love their oil being Single Estate – unique and traceable, cold presses the seeds into pure oil without heat treatment during the pressing process, one press – Extra Virgin, non-GMO, unsaturated and rich in Omega 3,6,9. The oil has a neutral hint of mild nutty, seedy and floral notes. It is suitable in high heat cooking, not overpowering in taste, that helps enhance and retain the original flavour of the other ingredients within the dish, as compared to extra virgin olive oil which has a more punchy profile, more suited to very low heat cooking or as a drizzle on salad. We use the Mellow Yellow for shallow and deep frying, roasting, baking, all kinds of dressing concoctions, with one exception: organic coconut oil for all our curries.
Thanks to the fight by the farming community, United Kingdom has retained non-GMO farming practices. We look after your health!

Why we chose Steenbergs organic herbs and spices?
Growing up in Singapore, a melting pot for global cuisines, curries and spicy food are incorporated into our daily meal, which created the discernment on our palette for authentic and aromatic herbs and spices! We share in Axel’s and Sophie’s quest in their organic products, enabling to track and trace each product’s life journey. We love the organic banner: organic seeds, organic soil, no artificial pesticides, no routine antibiotics, non-GMO crop. Their spices have an unadulterated heady aroma, the taste of released essential oil, glorious colour, all of which speaks of the high quality and richness of the harvest. They understand our need and has specifically catered to our order.
Working with Steenbergs, its a matchmaking process of marrying the spices happily with the ingredients, reminds us of the depth of flavours all great curries we love and taste in Singapore and South East Asian countries.
Enjoy our take on “roundedness” to curries and rubs, fulfilling!